Friday, June 27, 2008

There are precious few things in life that one might deem worthy of a blog, and this is not one of those things

As it is the golden age of online pundits and really, a void of worthless opinion, I thought that I would contribute my 10 cents worth, or 2 pennies worth if we are talking market value. Mainly, there are more pressing matters that need to be dealt with and a blog is the perfect way to abdicate the time, energy and momentum that might otherwise be setting this body [my ass on the couch] in motion to the library.

So, without any further ado, here is a picture of squirrels nursing from a bottle:

Awwww....isn't that...kinda creepy? I guess a squirrel is cute in and of itself, but there is a line being crossed here with the maternal and bestial that is just uncanny. I think I said it best to Rachel one day while walking the Yale campus: Wouldn't it be weird to give birth to a squirrel?
Well... wouldn't it?

I feel that I must explain why I am here and not being a productive member [drone] of the working world. I have the summer "off" to chip away at an intimidatingly long reading list and be tested on my ability to regurgitate theory and intellectually tap dance my way to a Master's Degree. My schedule includes waking up [by noon if I'm lucky] pulling the alarm clock out of its wall socket and launching it across the room, cursing the world and my own damn existence, then coaxing myself to the library with promises of caffeine and beer to be had later on. I read for, let's say, 3 hours and prowl campus for something else to do, which usually ends up being the 2 for one hot dog deal at the cafeteria. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Mmm... 2 for one

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